

Antigravity Technology -
Superconductive Electromagnetic Engine

-You Can Make Antigravity Engine-
-You Can Make UFO-
Since 20th June 2004

Please do demonstration flights in Japan.

I would like to make public an epoch-making new technology in the world.
The name of the new technology is "superconductive electromagnetic engine".
The superconductive electromagnetic engine is an inertial drive engine which drives without acting mutually with the outside of the hull and can do reactionless drive.
I applied superconductivity to the new technology.
The engine is based on the macro quantum effect "momentum order" of superconductivity.
Since the superconductive electromagnetic engine changes electromagnetic power into driving force and cancels the reaction without using propellant and reaction mass, it is far more excellent than conventional engines.
It is an almighty propulsion engine which can replace a rocket engine, a jet engine, an internal combustion engine and so on. It is dream technology by which we can make star ships, ships to fly in the air, cars to fly in the air, flying bodies like UFO, airplanes which are far more highly efficient than airplanes which use conventional engines, wheelchairs which can freely move in the air and so on possible.
It is machinery not to make anti-gravity field but to make propulsive force which has the nature of anti-gravity.
I use small figures in "How to experiment" but it can make more than tens-of-thousands-of ton propulsive force by making a ripple current stronger and so on.
I, KUBOTA Hidefumi made the basic concept of this new technology complete.
When the experiment for the confirmation succeeds, I set the condition to be equal to persons who want license and open the door to all persons who meet the condition.


11th July 2012
"Prayer of Kubota Hidefumi" is added to "Warning to U.S.A. and the world".

10th March 2012
"Problem of Superluminal Neutrino" is added.

14th February 2012
"Second Superconducting Mechanism" is added.

13th october 2011
The Japanese Supreme Court gave the decision of rejection against my final appeal on October 7, 2011.

As for the contents of the new technology, trace following links and see the details.

・Overview of superconductive Electromagnetic Engine
─ To first-time visitors, an overview of the superconductive electromagnetic engine is clearly described.─

・Outline of Superconductive Electromagnetic Engine

Second Superconducting Mechanism

Research on Momentum Order

─Principle and structure of the new technology and way of experiment─

About induced electromotive force

・Plain Description of Superconductive Electromagnetic Engine
─How to make UFO─

・Influence on Superconductive Magnet by Momentum Order

・Application contents of the superconductive electromagnetic engine


・Warning to All People on the Earth

─Monstrous cataclysms of the Earth will attack the human race in the second half of 2012.─

・Warning to U.S.A. and the world


─By the superconductive electromagnetic engines, free energy can be gotten. Human beings can stop the global warming perfectly.─
   ☆Superconductive generator

Report about superconductive electromagnetic engine

My profile

For experimentalist, manufacturer, researchers, research institutes and so on

Recruiting Partners


   NEW ☆Opinions

Old contents

Contact me : kubota_atmark_t2-kubota.jp

I explain unclear points about the new technology. Please use English or Japanese.
But, I don't answer criticism to the new technology and refutation to it.
I don't receive HTML e-mails and attachment files from strangers.
I delete them. Please, send text e-mail.
Also, I would like ask Chinese people to send Engilish e-mails.


18th September 2011
A description ※※※ is added to "Warning to people who built Flying object like UFO with superconductive electromagnetic engines" .

14th July 2011
I published Amazon Kindle eBook "ROAD TO GALAXY: Travelling Milky Way by Superconductivity".
And a page for "ROAD TO GALAXY" is added.

There are "Description", "Characteristics" and "Table of Contents".

19th June 2011
Notification of the record's arrival to the court

25th April 2011
I make public a registered airmail to have mailed to Mr. President Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. on April 25th, 2011.
I make public a registered airmail to have mailed to Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations on April 25th, 2011.

16th April 2011
"Appeal" is added. This is my new and last proposal.

6th April 2011
"Warning to U.S.A. and the world" is added.
10th May 2010
A description ※※ is added to "Warning to people who built Flying object like UFO with superconductive electromagnetic engines" .

30th March 2010
A description ※ is added to "Warning to people who built Flying object like UFO with superconductive electromagnetic engines" .

29th September 2009
I make public the registered airmail to have mailed to Mr. President Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. on May 1st, 2009.

19th September 2009

Main part of my answer e-mail to a person who wants to make at least 60 cm of diameter UFO which can float in the air
at least 10 feet above the ground is added to "Report about Superconductive Electromagnetic Engine".

21th January 2009
"The limit of accumulation of reaction" is added to "Warning to people who built Flying object like UFO with superconductive electromagnetic engines" .

10th December 2008
"Warning to people who built Flying object like UFO with superconductive electromagnetic engines" is added.

10th December 2008
"To people who have manufactured a superconductive electromagnetic engine" is added to "Recruiting Partners".

14th October 2008
"Warning to All People on the Earth" is added.

24th May 2008
I add the latest version of "Road to Star Ocean" and its 'PDF Download'.

2nd May 2008
I revised "Recruiting Partners".

6th April 2008
'PDF Download's are added to the pages of "Theory of Worlds" and "Theory of Energy Circulation".

29th September 2007
I make public my paper "Theory of Energy Circulation─Dirac Sea, energy and mass─".

29th June 2007
I add my e-mail sent to UFO Casebook on 28th June 2007 to Report about Superconductive Electromagnetic Engine.

5th June 2007
I add "FREE ENERGY". Human beings can stop the global warming perfectly, if they accept the superconductive electromagnetic engine.

1st June 2007
I make public"Overview of superconductive Electromagnetic Engine"
First-time visitors had better see from this first.

I add "To visitors" to My profile.

A report about the right to get patents in foreign countries is made public.

22nd May 2007
I make public my paper,
"Theory of Worlds".
Adding the results of the latest physical theories to my theory of the minus world and imaginary numbers,
I developed my theory.
Using my theory, I explain 11 dimensions of M-theory, the history of our space, the nature of antigravity matter.
Here I show the cosmos is n-dimension space.
By this paper, I think that the overview of general structure of our cosmos is made clear.

1st November 2006
Since there was a happening that has destroyed our relationship of mutual trust,
Hidefumi Kubota proposed the cancellation of the agency contract with "p-jet.org" and the proposal was accepted,
the contract was canceled on both consent.

5th June 2006
Since I concluded the agency contract with p-jet.org formally,
I display p-jet.org as a formal agency to recruit partners.
As the result, the resumption of the recruitment on this Website was canceled.

27th May 2006
On 23rd May 2006, I concluded an agency contract with p-jet.org.

5th May 2006
I make public the latest version of "Research on Momentum Order" which greatly changed from the old version.
In the latest version of "Research on Momentum Order", it is clarified that the frequency of ripple current must be very high theoretically.
All begin at Bose Einstein condensation, the condensation of electron pairs and the explanation was made to use quantum dynamics.
It is clarified that how the impulse to have acted on electron pairs will be without changing into the momentum of the motion of center of gravity of electron pairs.
I make public the latest version of "Plain Explanation of Superconductive electromagnetic Engine".
I makes public "Influence on Superconductive Magnet by Momentum Order" to propose the experiment which uses a small permanent magnet.
The recruitment is planned to resume after making public an application for patent on April 8th, 2006.

18th April 2006
The recruitment was stopped on April 18th, 2006.
Because the fact that the invention which was internationally applied for on November 11th, 2004 is unfinished was found with the developing of my research.
The subscription to have finished the procedure for us already is invalid, too.
After making public the latest version of "Research on Momentum Order", a new recruitment is planned to start.

16th February 2006
I delete false descriptions about frequency.

10th February 2006
・I correct " Research on Momentum Order ".
So far, I explained the electromagnetic engine uses tough metal which has a shape for low electric power consumption as the normal-conductive magnet through which the ripple current flows and this has two merits.
1. It is suitable for conveying a strong driving force to a frame of a vehicle.
2. There is not much electric power consumption.
I add next one merit.
3. Since it is possible to make a ripple current very low voltage, it doesn't have a bad influence on the superconductive magnet.
Also, as the way of experimenting, I add that the ripple current is very low voltage.
・I make public " Plain Description of Superconductive Electromagnetic Engine " which explains the superconductive electromagnetic engine clearly.
A specific computation example and specific use example("How to make a UFO") are included in it.

7th July 2005
I added the international publication number of my engine to "Outline of My Invention".

28th November 2004
I added "Application to World Intellectual Property Organization[WIPO]" to "Outline of My Invention".

13th November 2004
I stopped Type2 recruitment.

22th July 2004
I revised "The phenomenon which the momentum order in the direction of Lorentz force causes", section 3 of chapter 1 of "Research on Momentum Order".

You are welcome to link to me.
But, please link to my home page.
Add my banner to your site. Thanks for linking to me.

Copyright(c) KUBOTA Hidefumi All rights reserved.


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