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This recruitment was stopped on May 2nd, 2008.
This page is just for reference.
As for a new page, please see here.

I recruit partners to bring out an epoch-making new technology "superconductive electromagnetic engine".
As I made the concept of the new technology complete, I have applied for the patent already at Japan on April 8th, 2006.
However, as I devoted main effort to research and writing,
I don't have enough funds and cannot afford to do an experiment for confirmation by myself and to go out the new technology in the world.
Therefore, I decided to recruit partners.
I appeal for help to investors to consider investments in the superconductive electromagnetic engine,
researchers and research institutes to consider a cooperation research,
those who consider cooperation to realize the superconductive electromagnetic engine, and so on.

My basic stance to the right of the superconductive electromagnetic engine

I will not think of making the superconductive electromagnetic engine business by myself.
When the experiment for confirmation succeeds, I set a condition to be equal to persons who want license and open the door to all persons who meet the condition.
And, I don't think all is mine at all.
I hope to share the honor and the benefit with brave people who actually manufactured the superconductive electromagnetic engines.

E-mail: kubota@se-engine.org

This recruitment was stopped on April 18th, 2006.
This page is just for reference.
As for new recruitment, please see above

This recruitment was stopped on April 18th, 2006.
Because the fact that the invention which was internationally applied for on November 11th, 2004 is unfinished was found with the developing of my research.
The subscription to have finished the procedure for us already is invalid, too.
After making public the new application for patent on 8th April 2006, a new recruitment is planned to start.
The resumption of this recruitment on this Website was canceled.

I, KUBOTA Hidefumi made the basic concept of the new technology complete.
As it is complete as a concept, I have applied for the patent already at Japan in December 2003.
However, as I devoted main force to research and writing, I don't have enough funds and cannot afford to do an experiment for confirmation by myself and to go out the new technology in the world.
Therefore, I decided to recruit partners.

Type 1: To those in general who have power to personally experiment.

I describe the details Types such as [1] application method, [2] the kind and amount of money which you can get as the reward, [3] the condition that you must meet to get the reward, [4] the way of settling the reward when meeting the condition, [5] the way to pay the reward and transfer the right to get the reward, [6] matters to be attended.
Trace following links and see the details.

Type1. experiment

About Type2. investment

When the experiment for this confirmation succeeds, I set the condition to be equal to persons who want license and open the door to all persons who meet the condition. Because the superconductive electromagnetic engine is with the nature that 1 country or 1 company should not monopolize it.

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